In Loving MemoryOf
Emily Jeanette Garcia &
Her Unborn Son Emilio
About Emiy Garcia From Her Birth Until Her Death
is the story of Emily Jeanette Garcia's short life on this earth. We will start with the day that Emily's parents (Roy Garcia
& Sheila Smith) met, married, and started their life together and follow it through to the day that Emily was taken from
this earth as the result of abduction, rape, and murder and how her case is still unsolved 19 years later. We are hoping
that by doing this, that it may help us somehow find the answers or clues as to who did this horrible thing to Emily and Emilio
and to find the justice that they deserve so that they may finally rest in peace.
Thank You and God Bless,
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)
Sheila Smith-Ramiez(Emiily's Mother)
Sheila Smith(Emily's Mom)
Emily's Mom, Sheila Smith & Dad, Roy Garcia met in Germany. They
were both in the Army and stationed in Germany where Sheila was training Roy. They had a whirl-wind romance and got married
soon after. They had only been married a few months when Sheila discovered that she was pregnant with their first child.
She continued to stay in the Army and only took leave long enough to give birth to their beautiful daughter, which they named
Elizabeth Joy Garcia.

A few months after going back to work, Sheila discovered that she
was pregnant again. She wasn't too thrilled since she already had one child that was only a few months old, but decided it
may be for the best so the children could grow up together. She continued her work in the Army until she gave birth to their
second daughter which they named Emily Jeanette Garcia. When it was time for Sheila to return to work again after giving
birth to Emily, she decided it was too much for her and that she should get out of the Army and stay home and raise their
daughters. This is where the problems began between Sheila & Roy. Roy thought that Sheila should continue to stay
in the Army and hire someone to watch the girls, but Sheila refused. Within only a few months this caused so many problems
that Sheila and Roy ended up splitting up and divorcing only months later. Sheila tried hard to raise her two daughters,
but being in Texas away from all of her family and having no help from Roy, she ended up having to call her parents in Missouri
and ask them if they could take the girls until she got on her feet and could take care of them the way she felt they should
be taken care of.

Ralph & Peggy Smith(Elizabeth & Emily's Grandparents)
Elizabeth & Emily stayed in Missouri with Sheila's parents or
with their Aunt Theresa and her family for a couple of years, until their Dad, Roy, decided that he didn't want to pay the
child support for them, and came to Missouri to get them and take them back to Texas to live with his family. Over the
years, the girls were shuffled from one of Roy's family members to another, never having the guidance, attention, or love
that they deserved. Their Dad never seemed to be around and never really knew who had his daughters. He just didn't seem to
care as long as he didn't have to pay for them. In the meantime, Sheila seemed to go from job to job, never settling down
or getting her life together. The girls saw her very little during this time and Sheila and Roy were always battling over
them, but neither was there to take care of them.
Roy & Elizabeth Garcia(Emily's Dad & Sister)

The girls lived a hard life and were neglected and abused most of their
childhood. They lived a life that no child should have to live and grew up with a lot of hate and resentment toward their
parents for many years. I don't know what it was about Emily, but her dad acted as if he hated her. He would dote all over
Elizabeth and then yell at Emily for no reason. When they got older, I prayed that this would change, but it didn't.
She could never meet his approval no matter what she did. When she and Elizabeth would go to their Dad's for the weekend,
Emily and her Dad would end up in a horrible fight and Emily would just leave. The problem was that he didn't even go looking
for her. He said that she was a big girl now and would eventually come back to his house or go to her Mom's. That's why she
kept running away and then Roy would have the police pick her up and then sent her to juvey for running away. Like I said,
she could never do anything right when it came to her Dad. Finally when Emily was about 14 years old, she decided to reunite
with her Mom and go live with her in San Antonio, Texas. They had some very rocky times for a while with Emily staying out
all hours and Sheila going to look for her and take her back home. Emily's sister Elizabeth, also decided to move back in
with Sheila and Emily and for once, the girls honestly started getting along and became closer than they had ever been. Emily
still had her mom and they were close, but by then Emily was just so rebellious that Sheila could hardly handle her either.
Emily also ran away several times and was brought back by Sheila, until finally the police picked her up and sent her to Juvenile.
A few months after being released from Juvenile, Sheila found out that both of her daughters, Elizabeth & Emily were pregnant.
She was not too happy about this since both girls were not married or working, but decided they both should go and get medical
care and they would all deal with it together. Once Emily knew she was pregnant, she was just like a totally different
girl....She was finally Happy!!!! Emily and her sister Elizabeth did not get along either when they were younger, due to the
difference in the way that her Dad treated them. He would go out and buy something for Elizabeth and bring it home and give
it to her right in front of Emily and then he would get furious when she got mad about it. Later in their teen years, Emily
was a bit wilder than her sister, but they still had the same friends and hung out with the same group of people. When Emily
announced that she was pregnant, Elizabeth told her that she was too and they bonded even more. Emily refused to let her
Dad know that she was pregnant because she didn't trust him not to treat her baby the same way that he had treated her. In
the end it didn't matter, because her life was taken before she even got to enjoy the joy of motherhood. My heart broke for
Emily then and still does now...She wanted her Dad to love her so much, but it never happened and she died knowing this. To
me that is a tragedy all by itself!!! The worst thing was that she died knowing her Dad didn't even like her. Emily
never got to give birth to her son Emilio, but Elizabeth did and her son is named Jake. Roy doesn't even go to Emily's
grave now and when Sheila and I had a 10th anniversary Memorial for her, he did show up, but stayed 5 minutes and then told
me that he had to leave, because he had some business that was more important.....I was furious and let him know it too. Sheila
has worked on Emily & Emilio's murder case with me for 19 years now and she still cannot seem to pull her life together,
but refuses to give up on our search for justice for her daughter and grandson. Elizabeth still lives in San Antonio, Texas
too. She is now married to Zee and has her son Jake living by her too. She continues to work with her mother and I on Emily's
case and refuses to give up our search also. Even though Emily's life had been so hard and one that no child should have
to endure, the tragic end to her life was even more horrific. Why does one child have to endure so much during life and then
die in such torturous ways? She was such a lovable little girl and even in her teens when she was being so rebelious, she
was still one of those people you just had to love. On top of all of this sadness and tragedy, Emily & her unborn son
Emilio's killer(s) have not been caught and that was 19 years ago now. Don't you think they at least deserve justice after
all of this......I DO and refuse to give up until the day I find their killers or until I die and join them, and that is one
promise I will always keep to both Emily & Emilio. Please help us find their killer and the justice they deserve, so at
least their spirits can rest.

was a clown. She was very sociable, artistic, creative, and tempermental. She liked music, dancing, and art. She liked the
color red. Her favorite meal was lamb stew, though she was very fond of cooking and loved to eat. She was always smiling and
didn't know a stranger. She loved spending time at her grandparents home in Missouri, because she loved nature. She was very
plain spoken and was quick to tell you just what she thought.

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily
Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time
of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993,
which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13
days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.us Case#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or
Or Emily's Family
Please Help Them Find Our Killer!
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn
son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to
do so for them.
Page Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of Our Angels
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