M.O.M.S is a support group of women that have lost
their son/or daughter to murder. These women understand the heartache that these mothers have endured as they travel their
road of grief and are there to support one another. We have joined this group since the murder of our loved ones, Emily &
Emilio Garcia on February 27, 1977. I would advise any mother that has lost their child to murder to please check out this
group and hopefully join so you can find the support that we have.
Thank You For All Of Your Support M.O.M.S.,
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)
Sheila Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mother)
Below is the link for this group:
"The Story Of M.O.M.S."
(In Our Own Words)
This is the story of MOMS. Who are MOMS?
We are women from all over the United States. We share the same horrible pain of having our children murdered but this bond
is a blessing to help us survive. This friendship is so meaningful to all. God knew what he was doing when he created
MOMS. For there is not anyone else who could travel this road of pain and heartache and come out a stronger person to help
others in her same pain.
first MOM was Debbie Wiley, who created the site in memory of her loving son Phillip. Since then, there have been many more
MOMS who have joined in the healing, as there are some things you can only know through traveling this journey. We are all
different ages, races, and from different places but we all are the same.
is a place where when I am so weary other MOMS speak my pain and cry right alongside of me. MOMS are more warriors than an
AMAZON, stronger than the mightiest tree, whose prayers I always hear but tears I never see. MOMS are stronger than Teflon,
more fragile than glass, willing to help each other see this pain cannot last. Proud to be among them and all praises to the
Lord above us.
has had one of the worst experiences of losing four family members at the same time but she is such an inspiration to us all.
So many members-too many to count. So many precious faces on the memory board and such great pain for all to see more beautiful
innocent faces added so often. MOMS is a place I found not by my choice but by someone else's choice to take my sons life.
I found comfort and found a lot that knew and know exactly how my heart felt when I found them and how it feels now.
is my choice now to stay and help others heal on this long journey of pain beyond belief. The murderer of our loved one (s)
causes our membership to M.O.M.S. We found each other, we didn't want to join. The price we pay to be elite also makes our
group perpetual. But, Unfortunately, there will be more, and more who join this group, and fortunately, there will be more
and more who will find strength, not only by numbers, but through God, to go on with the every day tasks, that we find we
can no longer do. To get out of bed, go back to work, and become alive ourselves again, although a large piece of our hearts
are missing.
keep ticking. The world continues to turn. The sun rises on time as if nothing has happened. But we know the truth and in
our journey together we share that truth. The truth that love never dies, and as long as we can share our beloved children,
our hearts will continue to beat. That is the sisterhood of MOMS.
by Lorre
Here is
the link to this story on M.O.M.S. web site: