On this, the 20th Anniversary of Emily
and Emilio's death, I want to thank all those who have been so wonderful and supportive of Theresa and to all our family through
all the things we have had to face these long years past waiting for new that something had been done finally and that Justice
would finally be served.
Unfortunately that isn't the case, and as every day goes by it seems less and less likely that Justice will ever
be served. I am totally disgusted with the system set up to make sure that the law works in everyone's favor and that it can
only really work if you have the funds to buy it. I suppose that in the past I was naive to think that we are all equal
in the eyes of the law. It's a shame that isn't the case. It should be.
Hopefully Emily and Emilio are at peace wherever they are. Karma should take care of those that the law
hasn't, and anyone else that has had a hand in making sure this case isn't finished. I'm sure that Karma will not be lenient,
but will dish out punishments equal to the disrespect accorded to my Emily and her unborn child Emilio.
Once again, thank you to everyone who has cared for them and for us all enough to give us the moral support needed
at different times when those time got tough.
Loving Emily and Emilio,
Sheila Smith-Ramirez (Mother of Emily Garcia)
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Aunt of Emily Garcia)

Angel Moms and Dads
We have shared our tears and our sorrow, We have given encouragement
to each other, Given hope for a brighter tomorrow, We share the title of grieving mother and dad
Some of us lost older daughters or sons, Who we watched grow
over the years, Some have lost their babies before their lives begun, But no matter the age, we cry the same tears.
We understand each others pain, The bond we share is very strong, With
each other there is no need to explain, The path we walk is hard and long.
Our children brought us together, They didn't want us on this
journey alone, They knew we needed each other, To survive the pain of them being gone.
So take my hand my friend, We may stumble and fall along the
way, But we'll get up and try again, Because together we can make it day by day.
We can give each other hope, We'll create a place where we belong, Together
we will find ways to cope, Because we are Angel Moms and Dads together we are strong!
Author Unknown
This poem dedicated to our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia and
to all of the wonderful Angel Families that we have met during our 20 year search for justice. God bless them all.

Below you will find all of the beautiful gifts that were made by
our dear friends for Emily & Emilio for their 20th Anniversary in Heaven.Thank you all so very much for the gifts and
for remembering our Angels on such a special day. Please click on each of the gifts and it will take you to the personal web
site of each of their Angel Friends.God bless you all.
The above gift is from my dear friend Carol Carico and her
Angel Son Michael. Thank you, Carol and God bless you.
The above 2 gifts are from my dear friend Christine Pollock
and her Angel Daughter Deborah. Thank you, Christine and God bless you.
The above 2 gifts are from my dear friend Shirley
Baer and her Angel Daughter Laurie. Thank you, Shirley and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend
Donna James and her Angels Corey & Michelle. Thank you, Donna and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend
Linda Rice and her Angel Daughter Tina Marie. Thank you, Linda and God bless you.
The above 2 gifts are from my dear friend
Linda Christian.Thank you, Linda and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend CherylRoy.Thank
you, Cheryl and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend JackieWergin
Trudeau.Thank you, Jackie and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend Marlene
Borchert.Thank you, Marlene and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend Melody
Hill.Thank you, Melody and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend Nancy
Tuz.Thank you, Nancy and God bless you.
The above gift is from my dear friend Wadalisi
Lance.Thank you, and Wadalisi & God bless you.

I would also like to say a special thank you to the following people who left
messages in guestbooks, emails, leaving messages on Facebook, and sent their thoughts and prayers to our family as we celebrated
Emily & Emilio's 20th Anniversary In Heaven. Thank you all and God bless you.
Emily & Emilio Garcia's Family
Dolores Ripmyson Medina, Theresa Moss, Kate Mitchell, Vickie Stricklin, Beth
Layton, Bec Salau, Lonnie Lenway, Vicki Lynne Johnson, Linda Teneriello, Susan Bennett, Angie Love Sellers, Alison McMinn,
Barbara McCollum Knowles, Imelda Garcia, Terry Ann Tassey-Stout, Phyllis Keane, Lisa Stewart Gorczyca, Samantha Hart
Tripp, Theresa Pettie Sitko, Geneva Ballard, Kathy Walls Mcghee, Erica N Caden, Angela Randall, Angie Walters, Angel King,
Truman C. Yeary, Lori Klebe Miller, Karen Lynn Jenkins, Monika Hedglin, Tiffany Renfrew, Angie Crump-Conway, Heather Denson
Gray, Irene Fitzer, Linda Schiro, Linda DeAndrea, Lynn Bell, Ralph Smitty Smith, Nancy Collier, Myrtle Nixon Balderson, Joyce
Saeger, Fay Clark Stonecypher, Elida Lopez, Julie A Barousse, Sandi Richiazzi-Natoli, Sandra Mctamney-Muchioki, Alyssa Brook

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette
Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her
murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which
was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days
that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.us Case#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or Texas Rangers Cold
Case Unit San Antonio Division Sgt. Trampas Gooding contact@texasrangers.org Phone # 830-379-4210 Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and
her unborn son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living
to do so for them.
Page Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of Our Angels Emily
& Emilio Garcia ChaseCallasSH Bold Font Color#999999
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