Texas Rangers Working On Emily's Murder Case
TopL-Author J Miller TopR-Hank Whitman
BottomL-Gary De Los Santos BottomR-Trampas Gooding

On September 1, 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature passed House
Bill 1748 and Senate Bill 786 which created the Texas Rangers Unsolved Crimes Investigative Team. The captain of this team
was Capt. Gary De Los Santos. When Emily's case was turned over to the Texas Rangers, Lt. Hank Whitman of San Antonio,
Texas was assigned to it. He worked on it for a year and was then transferred to Virginia. In fact all 7 of the Rangers
were reassigned to other offices. Then the Ranger's office was moved to the southern district of San Antonio. In all the time
that Lt. Whitman worked Emily's case, Sheila & Elizabeth(Emily's Mother & Sister) had a very hard time getting
an appointment to talk with him about Emily's murder case. There were very few meetings with Lt. Whitman and when
there was, he didn't give Sheila and Elizabeth much information or tell them if they had any leads or information regarding
Emily's case.
After the office was moved, Sheila contacted the Rangers to see
who was the new Ranger working Emily's case. That turned out to be Sgt. Arthur J. Miller. When Sheila called him
she also wanted to try to set up a meeting with him. When she talked with him on the phone to ask for the meeting, Sgt.
Miller told her that he had been given 25 cold cases and that he had no idea if Emily's case was one of them or not. To
our family this was just more disrespect to Emily and her baby and to us.
Sgt. Miller told Sheila that he would look it up and call her
back, but to this day Sheila has not heard a word from him. That conversation took place in February 2008, so we still have
no idea how or if the case is even being worked on by anyone. Why? Was Emily and her baby not important enough or

After making this web page about a week ago, I want to add that today
when I called the Texas Rangers, I was immediately put through to speak with Sgt. Trampas Gooding(The new Ranger
that has Emily's case). I asked him what was new on the case, if anyone was really working her case, and etc. He told me that
Emily's case is one that he recently got and her files are on his desk as we spoke. He also said that he likes to go through
all the files and also talk with the Sheriff and also with the detective working Emily's case, which would be Det. Ward,
before he talks with the family about it. I was very impressed with that. He told me to feel free to call him any
time I would like and he would discuss what was happening with me.
Not only was I VERY impressed by Sgt. Gooding talking with
me and telling me what he did, but also the fact that he took my phone call at all, even knowing what I was calling for.
He has done more for my family in his one phone call than everyone
else has during the 19 years since Emily's murder. You have no idea how important it is for a family that has lost someone
to murder to keep in contact with the detective or whoever has the case so the family will know that someone is
working on it and it isn't just sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust, and that wasn't happening until now. When I
called my sister(Emily's Mom Sheila), she honestly broke down and cried. Now we at least have hope and know someone will
be working on Emily's case and is even willing to talk with us about it at any time.
Sgt. Trampas Gooding has my respect for this and for talking
with me when I called. He seemed like a man who really cares. We feel that he will at least work on Emily's case and
he even knew he had her case and what it was about. God bless you, Sgt. Gooding, for giving us some faith and hope.

July 22, 2012
I recently found out that Sgt. Trampas Gooding is now the head
of the new Texas Rangers Cold Case Unit and Emily & Emilio's murder case has now been transferred to that division.
Sgt. Gooding is still working Emily & Emilio's case and I
have talked with him a couple of tmes in the past week and have found out that there have been some new leads in their murder
case, but we aren't permitted to put this information on our site, due to the fact that it could hinder the investigation.
Our family has recently gotten new information about Emily &
Emilio's murder case and a couple of people have finally come forward. All of this information has been given to Sgt. Gooding
and we are awaiting answers to these leads.
Hopefully with the new information that Sgt. Gooding has gotten
along with the information that we have gotten, it will help move their case forward and maybe get some results.

We need your help in finding who murdered
Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at
the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February
12, 1993, which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about
the 13 days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.us Case#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or
Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette
Garcia and her unborn son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty
of the living to do so for them.
Page & Graphics Created With Much Love By Theresa In
Memory Of Our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia Galvanize BRK Bold Font