Citizens Against Homicide

Below is the story that ran on the front cover of the
Citizens Against Homicide Newsletter in April 2010. The article is written on the murders of Emily Jeanette Garcia and
her unborn son Emilio. The story was written by Emily's Mother-Sheila Smith-Ramirez and published by this wonderful
Anyone who has had to deal with a homicide should go to
the web site for Citizens Against Homicide at the link below and contact them to help get your story published. They are a
wonderful group that also holds monthly meetings for families of homicide victim's to help support one another.
They also publish a great newsletter monthly where they
feature a different story on different homicide victims and their families. In this newsletter you can write letters to the
parole board where the victim's killer has been caught, sent to prison, and are awaiting release. With your help and all the
letters that are written to the Parole Boards, you can do your part in keeping these killers behind bars. Below you will also
find the link where you can sign up for a Citizens Against Crime Monthly Newspaper that will be sent directly to you by mail.
Please join this group and sign up for the monthly newsletter
so that you can help all of these families find justice for their loved ones that have murdered by these monsters. Who knows,
your loved one may be their next victim if we don't help keep them off of our streets.
Thank You and God Bless,
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)
Sheila Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mother)
Here is the link for the Citizens Against Homicide
web site where you can contact them to feature your story if you have had a loved one murdered or to join this wonderful group
to help support families of homicide and receive their monthly newsletter.

Citizens Against Homicide Newsletter Cover Story Featuring Emily & Emilio Garcia's Murder-April 2010 Issue-By Sheila Smith(Emily's

Emily was born on July 27, 1977. She was a beautiful baby
girl and, joining her big sister and me, life should have been happy and simple. But time became avoidably difficult and soon
our family would become fragmented. Emily endured a tragic childhood because of family discord and uncertainty and, by
the time she reached adolescence, she had been victimized by abuse. Although remarkably creative and intelligent, these elements
undeniably contributed to Emily developing behavioral and academic problems. She was angry, yet never did I know anyone more
willing to forgive. At the age of 14, Emily became more rebelious; often skipping school and running away. Her circle of
friends was so large and varied that it was impossible to know where she was. I was always worrying and in fear for her safety. Finally,
out of desperation, I agreed with a judge to remand Emily to the Texas Youth Commission for a short period of time, dependant
on her progress. I believed this was the only way to keep Emily safe, not only from her own destructive behavior, but from
possible predators. When Emily was released, she revealed that she had become pregnant. Emily was on her way to a medical
appointment to verify her pregnancy, when she was abducted. That was February 11, 1993. She was 15 years old and I never saw
my daughter again. Her body was discovered on February 25, 1993, by a road worker on Old Cranes Mill Road near Canyon
Lake in Comal County, Texas. Photos of the crime scene revealed her naked body in the brush with a strangulation mark around
her neck and the imprint of a tire on her shoulder; as well as scratches and bruises associated with being dragged through
the brush from the road. Her hands and feet tied to each other with a rope. Chief Hohertz of the Comal County Sheriff's Office
explained that she had been repeatedly beaten, raped, and sodomized, causing her death and that of her unborn child, Emilio. Although
I searched for Emily everywhere, including hospitals and morgues, her death went unrealized for an entire year, because I
did not think to look for her outside the county. It was during this year of searching that Emily was buried as a "Jane Doe"
in Fischer Cemetery. Losing an entire year of valuable time further complicated pursuing any suspect. The investigation
of Emily's case has constantly been made more complicated by the traumatic nature of this crime, the reluctance of some people
to discuss their relationship to her, and the bureaucratic mishaps. Not to mention that, after a year, the state cremated
the babies remains, which would have allowed us to establish the identity of the father. No Dna was ever collected. To
this day, there remains no suspect(s) and very little physical evidence. Any theories we have assembled have been through
unreliable means. We are truly desperate for any new leads. In spite of my daughter's troubles, she was a person; beautiful,
artistic, creative and at times tempermental. She liked music, dancing, and art. She liked the color red. She was fond of
cooking and loved to eat; her favorite meal was lamb stew. She was always smiling and didn't know a stranger. She loved spending
time at her grandparents home in Missouri and she loved nature. My daughter's life was cut short; and my unborn grandson
did not have the opportunity to experience his. They deserve peace and justice. Often times, being the relative of a homicide
victim is akin to being a fanatic. You feel an obsession to do something, anything; however the avenues of action can be very
limiting. Althought there are a great many groups that offer emotional support, there is no handbook for what to do when your
loved one is murdered. We would like to thank Citizens Against Homicide for their understanding and support. Although the
detectives who handle this case continue to refuse to allow a reward for information, it is our hope that someone who knew
Emily and/or has information about her murder &will come forward to help us. We maintain a website where we are always
available. http://theresayeary.com/
We need your help in finding the person(s) responsible
for murdering my daughter, Emily Garcia and my unborn grandson, Emilio, on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily
was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio,
Texas on February 12, 1993, which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information
about Emily, about the 13 days she was missing before her murder and/or about her death, please contact: Detective Sgt.
Tommy Ward Criminal Investigations Department Comal County Sheriff's Office soatgw@co.comal.tx.us Case#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400
Or Emily's Family
Thank You! Sincerely, Sheila
Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mom)
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)

Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her
unborn son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do
so for them.
Page & Graphics Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of
Our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia Alex Brush Bold Font
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