Remembering Our Angels In Heaven
Emily & Emilio Garcia
This first email was received from a lady that is a member on the
web site "Gather". Gather is a site where thousands of writers, psychics, & etc. share news and commentary every
day on different subjects from TV Shows to Internet news.
On January 1, 2008, the subject happened to be about the Paranormal
State "Vegas" show which was about Emily & Emilio's murder case.
This lady that emailed me about the site, was telling me about another
person who had posted about Emily & Emilio's murder that seemed to be a psychic. Below you will be able to read the email
that I received and the post that was written about their murders. We ask that anyone who may recognize anything familiar,
no matter how small you feel it may be to contact us as soon as possible to see if your lead can help us in any way solve
their case.
Thank You,
Theresa(Emily's Aunt)
Sheila(Emily's Mother)

Email From Anonymous#1
My name is Anonymous#1 and I am 32 years old. This is awkward
for me but I just wanted to share something. I always see the show Paranormal State. I just finished watching the show where
Emily's case was discussed. This is the 3rd time that I have seen this show. Her case sparked my interest so I searched her
on the Internet to see what she looked like. She was a beautiful girl. She would have been 2 years older than me. I moved
to San Antonio a year after I graduated from high school in 1998. The reason I am writing is because I am a strong believer
of psychic mediums. However, I do not believe in using them for personal gain but do believe they can help families bring
closure. I came across this web site that had an article on Emily's case. It seems as if the lady that commented, in the comment
section below the article, was a medium that gave a reading through her post. Whether you all have already received the information
or not I wanted to share the link with you. Nobody commented on her post but it stood out to me. It makes sense to me. I do
not know the whole story but only pieces of it that I read in the web site dedicated to Emily. It is so sad to hear that the
killer is still out there. I hope the truth comes out soon. God bless you all and may Emily and baby Emilio rest in peace.

Story Posted On Gather About Emily & Emilio's Murder
The Unsolved Murder Of Emily J Garcia In Texas January 01, 2008
02:47 PM EST
As I've written before, I like the A&E's network show, Paranormal
State. I tuned in last night and the team headed for Las Vegas to see a teenaged girl who was seeing a deceased teenage
girl in her room. As soon as I saw the sketch the teenager made, I knew who it was. I peruse unsolved homicides and
missing people web sites. There are so many unsolved homicides and missing people that I never got to profiling her.
I will now in hopes some one, some where, will give up the information needed to bring her killer to justice. Emily Jeanette
Garcia was 15 years old, and three months pregnant with a boy named Emilio when she disappeared on her way to have a pregnancy
test taken in San Antonio, Texas. That was on 02/12/1993. Emily never made it to the Doctors appointment that
day, and she was never seen alive again. On 02/25/1993, road workers found the nude body of a femaile in Canyon Lake, Texas.
She was located 1.5 miles North of Old Cranes Mill Rd. Off of Hwy. 46. She had been dead just 24 hours. There
were no personal belongings with the body, so she was named Jane Doe and buried in a paupers field cemetery. A year later
a friend phoned Emily's mother and told her about Jane Doe. Her Mother had fingerprints taken of both her daughters
when they were younger and that's how Emily was finally identified. Her body was exhumed and she is now buried with
family members. Emily was held hostage for 12 days. She had been raped, beaten and then, strangled by ligature.
She was only 4'10" and weighed 115 Lbs. For 12 days she was abused and at the mercy of a madman. There isn't a
description of a suspect on either The National Center For Missing Adults or when I Googled her name. I went to the
Comal County Sheriffs Office, Texas web site and didn't find anything at all about Emily. She was on probation at the time
of her death, and did time in "Juvie". Her older sister, Elizabeth was also pregnant at the same time as Emily was.
No other information about the crime or what authorities are doing to find out who did this to her is available.
Here is the link to the story on the Gather site and also to the
comment by the psychic.

Comment Posted By Person That May Be A Psychic
Theresa Chaze Jan 1, 2008, 3:03pm EST
Law enforcement needs to relook at a man they questioned once. He
is about two years older, dark hair and brown eyes. He is about 5'7" or 8", brawny to stocky. He thinks of himself as a tough
guy warrior who talks about joining the military, but he doesn't have the guts to follow through. He has two tattoos. A military
insignia on a shoulder or upper arm. There is also a dagger dripping blood piercing a heart in the middle of his lower back.
He was questioned as an alibi witness to the primary suspect. He lied to cover himself, but the suspect thought he was being
a good friend. The original suspect was cheating on his girlfriend. He went to school with the suspect and sometimes work
together. They are also cousins. I'm getting one of his names starts with "D". He has a violent flash temper that he tries
to cover with humor. He attacked Emily to take from his cousin, because he is jealous. He feels that the cousin is taking
his family thunder or pride. He also carries a knife in his left boot.

Our family would like to thank Anonymous#1 for sending this email
and for letting us know about the post from the Psychic. We would really like to talk with Theresa Chaze who posted this reading
on the Internet, so if anyone happens to know Ms. Chaze, please ask her to contact our family. She may be able to help
us further in our investigation into Emily & Emilio's murder.

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette
Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her
murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which
was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days
that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.usCase#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or
Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn
son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to
do so for them.
Page Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of Our Angels
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