I felt it was time for you all to meet some of Emily's
family and get to know us and her relationship with each of us. We'll start out with her Grandparents and work our way
down.Emily told one of the psychic's to tell me that she loved the site I had made for her and had done a wonderful job adding
all the details and information that I have, but........she said it was too sad and boring and needed a little fun to it,
so that is why I have picked this time to introduce her family to all of you. Her family meant everything to her. I don't
know her father's side of the family or I would let you meet them also, but you will meet ours and we are a strange

This is Emily's Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Peggy
Smith the years that they were keeping the girls for their Mother.
Emily's grandparents moved to a little place in
the country called Hopewell, MO, which isn't even on the map, but they all loved it.They ended up living there for 50
years. Before this they had lived in St. Louis, MO, so their new country home was one of those places that made
you feel safe and secure and that you knew whatever was going on in your life, bad or good, you could always go there and
stay until you could figure things out.Her Grandparents both had nicknames and Emily would love to use them because she
knew she shouldn't. LOL Their nicknames were Fat for her grandpa and Pug for her grandma. She just loved those names. Her
Grandma & Grandpa took care of Emily and her older sister Elizabeth when they were young, due to some family problems.
Emily didn't mind that at all because she loved the country and that's where they lived. She loved to help her Grandpa pick
the garden, go fishing, go frogging, and even helped him build his Condo(his retreat away from all of us for a while.) No
one was allowed in the Condo without permission except her Grandma and the family dog named Prince.....so who do you think
made certain that she would go in there anyway.....yes, Emily. She was very rebellious, smart-mouthed, and just downright
ornery at times, but other times she was the sweetest little girl you could have ever known.
Emily also loved to help her Grandma in the kitchen. Her
Grandma did a lot of canning in the summer time and she made Emily and Elizabeth wash jars for her just like her mother and
I had to do when we were their age. We complained too, until we had all that good stuff to eat in the winter. She also loved
Pizza night. That was where my mom would make all these crusts and put the sauce on and then let you decide what you wanted
on yours and the entire pizza was just for you. Of course she loved it and so did her mother and I when we were kids and still
do. LOL She didn't get along well with her sister Elizabeth. They had what you would call a ("Love,Hate") relationship just
like her mother and I do. Complete opposites, but never doubted their love for one another. They could say bad things to each
other, but don't even consider anyone else saying something about one of them or the fight was on. I guess there were some
things her mother and I didn't need them to take after us for. Emily also loved it because her Grandma made all their clothes
for them. Emily loved the fact that she had real pretty dresses that none of the other kids had. All in all, she was just
a normal and happy little girl with a big sister

This is Emily cooking in Grandma's kitchen. The
photo was taken only 3 months before her murder when she went to stay with her Grandma & Grandpa for a couple of weeks.
My Mom always said that Emily made a real mess when she cooked and then thought someone else should have to clean it up, but
Grandma wasn't going for that, so Emily learned how to clean up her mess while she was cooking. LOL

This photo was taken of Emily's Grandpa &
Grandma, her Aunt Lori, and Emily's Great Grandma Smith.She had just went back to Texas to stay with her Mom, but had made
my Mom promise to take a photo of her Great Grandma Smith for her(The Cherokee).
She also loved the days(usually on Fridays) when Grandma and Grandpa
would take her and Elizabeth to the nursing home to see her great Grandma, who was Cherokee Indian. It upset Emily so bad
to see her great Grandma in such pain, but she still always wanted to go see her. She said that she could always make her
smile and she usually did too. Emily had a very big heart and was good to everyone except herself.Her weakness was animals
and old people so that gives you an idea of what sort of person she was. She was a real firecraker and always into something......whether
it was good or bad. She had no happy medium.

This is Emily's Grandpa Smith taken a couple of
years before he died. He was a good man and greatly missed.
Emily's Grandpa passed away about 9 years
ago from cancer and I'm sure that wherever she is, she is right by his side. Right after her Grandpa passed away, Grandma
sold the old (Homestead) because she just couldn't keep up with a big place like that all alone and also she was alone so
much that we really felt she would die of loneliness if she didn't move. Emily, like all of us, would have hated to see it
sold, but she loved her Grandma so much that this is what she would have wanted too. Her grandma is still alive and
now lives in Poplar Bluff, MO and is very active with her church and works at the Senior Citizens Food Cart, The
Towers(which is a place for senior citizens and their families to go and eat together each Thursday, and also a nursing
home, so she stays very busy. She also is praying for the day that Emily's killer will be caught. Emily's Grandpa
died on his and her Grandma's 50th wedding anniversary.

This is the way that Emily told her Grandpa that
they danced in Grandma's church. LOL
Emily loved going to church on Sunday's.The first time they
went Emily came home and told her Grandpa that he should have gone with them because they even danced at that church and you
didn't have to be quiet because everyone was yelling.My Dad just laughed and told her that he couldn't dance.If you
haven't already figured this out, my Mom always took us to a Pentecostal church.LOL
Emilyalways wore her Party Dress just for church since they always
had a party when she went.
This is Emily and her older sister Elizabeth sitting
on their Grandpa's lap waiting to go to church in their party dresses. LOL
This is Emily's Grandma Peggy Smith.
Emily had one very special thing that her Grandma
had made for her and that was an apron. Not just any apron,this was special and made just for her.In the front of
the apron her Grandma had sewn different colored little pockets where Emily could keep her fat crayons in and noone could
take them and use them. They helped Emily learn her colors, because each color had a pocket where the fat crayons went. Then her
Grandma went to the waist band of the apron and embroidered her name on it with Big Yellow color. She loved this apron
so much that she still had it when she was murdered and still had the fat crayons in it. Her Mother still has
that apron and there have been occasions where a psychic would hold it and get message from Emily. She probably told them
to put it down because that was hers and hers only. LOL

Thank you for meeting Emily's grandparents, Ralph
& Peggy Smith & reading aoubt her relationship with them. She was just so happy when she was with them. I don't
think she was a true Texan. LOL
We need your help in finding who murdered Emily
Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time
of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993,
which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13
days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.usCase#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or
Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and
her unborn son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the
living to do so for them.
Page & Graphics Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory
Of Our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia FrancineHmk Bold Font
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