San Antonio Current Article Written In
2005 On Emily Jeanette Garcia's Murder
This is the article that was written by a
reporter for the San Antonio Current Newspaper in San Antonio, Texas, on the murders of my niece Emily Garcia and several
other young woman in that area in the last several years. Mr. Cary saw this web site that I had made in Emily's memory and
contacted me about doing a follow-up story on her murder. He did a fabulous job on this article and made a wonderful point
of showing how serious this problem has become of our children being murdered in San Antonio and all over our country. May
God be with all of the families of these victims and thank you Mr. Cary for such a wonderful job done on this story.
Feature: A Summer Chill
By Michael Cary
The 15th anniversary of Heidi Seeman's murder is a reminder
of Bexar County's 1,600 cold cases, some more than 50 years old. February 12, 1993 was
a work day for Sheila Smith-Ramirez, so the best she could do was to walk her 15-year-old daughter, Emily Garcia, who was
three months pregnant, to the bus stop that morning. Emily had a doctor's appointment to
discuss prenatal care. She was in and out of trouble, and on probation, but on this morning she cooperated with her mother
and boarded the bus. She never made it to the doctor's office. Later that night, San Antonio police officers told the
frantic mother that she had to wait 48 hours before she could report her daughter missing.

On February 23, 1993, a road crew clearing brush on Old Cranes Mill Road near
Canyon Lake, found the nude body of a young female who had a baby boy in her womb. Investigators determined she had been tortured,
sexually assaulted, strangled, and bound with rope, and dumped along the roadside. There were no personal items, clothing,
or identification on the body that had been discarded eight to ten hours earlier, so Emily was listed as Jane Doe, and buried
in a pauper's grave in New Braunfels. More than a year later, one of Sheila's friends watched an unsolved crimes news segment
and recognized the backward four that had been tattooed on one of Emily's hands. Sheila was now living in Missouri, but she
returned to Texas with Emily's fingerprint card. After her daughter was positively identified, her body was exhumed and buried
in the family cemetery in Somerset.
Emily's case remains unsolved. She is one of many homicide victims whose killers
have never been brought to justice. In most cases, the victims' corpses were found and autopsied, and evidence was collected
by the Bexar County Sheriff's office, San Antonio Police Department, or other law enforcement agencies. For lack of witnesses
or enough solid evidence to connect suspects to these crimes, the cases have gone cold. Two of the City's most famous cold
cases are those of 11-year-old Heidi Seeman and 7-year-old Erica Botello. Heidi was abducted 15 years ago on August 4, 1990
as she walked along Stahl Road after spending the night at a friend's house. Erica was snatched outside her residence at the
West End Baptist Manor Apartments on West 35th Street on August 23, a day after Heidi's body was found on a ranch near Wimberley.
Both cases were high profile, as thousands of volunteers who had organized to search for Heidi also turned their attention
toward finding Erica. Both had been sexually assaulted, then strangled and discarded by their captors. Suspects were named
in both homicides, but in Heidi's case, there was not evidence for a conviction. One man accused of murdering Erica was deemed
mentally retarded and incompetent to stand trial and was sent to San Antonio State Hospital. Another suspect provided an alibi
that he was at work during the time of the abduction, and a third was released for lack of evidence. Heidi Seeman's murder
was the catalyst for the founding of the Heidi Search Center, which last Thursday organized a memorial walk to commemorate
her 26th birthday. SAPD Detective George Saidler is currently assigned to investigate Heidi's murder. He has been on the force
since 1975, has worked in the homicide division since 1992, and in 2000 was assigned full-time to cold cases. A second detective
was added to the SAPD cold-case unit in 2002, and a third was assigned part-time in 2005. While the sheriff's office lists
15 missing persons and cold homicide cases on it's website and SAPD lists 47, there are 1,600 cold cases dating back to 1952.
Police have reviewed hundreds of cold cases during the past 15 years, and since 1996, solved more than 20. "I guess some of
it's luck, and sometimes time is on our side." says Saidler. "DNA has been extremely helpful...and witnesses have decided
to come forward, and we have confronted suspects on some things (they) had done. There are any number of ways these cases
are solved."

Saidler says a homicide case goes cold when a detective
is transferred to another department, and a case is more than a year old. "Normally when they come to us, there are things
that lead to a quick resolution, such as minute pieces of evidence, to give us that one little lead to a suspect."Saidler
says the cold-case squad investigates all unsolved murders: From an innocent child snatched from her yard to gang members,
whose lifestyle led to their demise. "As far as we're concerned, we don't care. We file cases on bad drug deals, street
hookers. Nobody has the right to take anybody's life." Time can work for or against detectives working on cold cases. One
example is the murder of Gladys Ramirez. The police and fire departments were summoned to a house fire in April 1980. Once
the flames were extinguished, investigators found her burned body, but soon discovered she had been stabbed and strangled.
They ruled her death a homicide. Twenty-four years later, a former San Antonio resident read about the case on SAPD website,
and called police. The witness identified Gladys' spouse, Jose Angel Ramirez, as the murder suspect. He was arrested in October
2004 and is awaiting trial. Bexar County Sheriff's detectives solved the case of 28-year-old Alma Salazar, who was abducted,
raped, murdered, and dumped in the Medina River at Applewhite Road. A DNA sample collected from Julian Lassere Jr. In 2000
was linked to the murder through the National Combined DNA Indexing System. The DNA sample collected from Lassere while he
was in jail led to his capital-murder indictment in October 2004. "Some of these cases we reopened, and we have time
on our hands. When we investigate, we know they're 20 years old, with no leads, and nobody coming forward," says Bexar County
Sheriff's detective Ruben Arevalos. Yet, the sheriff's cold-case team remains determined to solve cases, even old ones. "We
start finding these witnesses who forgot they were scared, had a fear of retaliation from suspects. They don't have that fear
anymore. With the Natalie De Leon case ( a 16-year-old who was murdered after hitchhiking on Highway 46 near Canyon Lake)
we have identified a lot more witnesses than those back in the 1980's. We will not stop and put them aside, we continue to
work with these cases." But time also works against cold-case investigators. Arevalos says in some of the 20-year-old cases,
semen samples and skin cells collected from the crime scene cannot provide enough DNA to be tested or have degraded over the
years. "If we had had the technology back then, but of course we didn't," says Arevalos. "Sometimes we have only one shot,
and if we use it up, we can't get any more. There are other tests that will be developed in the future when there might be
a possibility to get DNA profile out of evidence. There are instances where we don't pursue it, we wait." Arevalos says the
wait can be frustrating. Investigators might have a suspect, but not enough evidence to solve the crime and win a conviction.
Maybe the suspect chooses to remain silent, or witnesses are afraid. "A lot of people don't want to get involved, they want
to stay away from the situation, and don't want to talk to the police."

Muriel Perry feels this frustration. Muriel and her grandchildren,
Michael and Nicole Blaskoski, were coping with the news that their father, Robert Blaskoski, had gone missing in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, after he met Donald Ray Ford at the airport after he returned from a job in Arizona. Authorities couldn't charge
Ford with murder because Blaskoski's body hadn't been found. But Ford was convicted for stealing more than $72,000 from Blaskoski's
bank and investment accounts and sentenced to eight years in prison. He was paroled after four years. On
December 13, 1996, the family was blindsided by another tragedy: Muriel's youngest grandchild, 27-year-old Noelle Blaskoski,
was found dead in her room at the Oakview Motel. Noelle had rented the room only two weeks earlier, and told neighbors she
was saving money to move back to Houston. Blaskoski was a dancer at the Wild Zebra strip club on the Northeast Side. The
motel manager found the door ajar, and saw Noelle on the floor of her room wearing only a black T-shirt. Her hands were bound.
The television was blaring, and her car remained in the parking lot. The medical examiner determined her death was caused
by "manual strangulation." Muriel says she was irked by the frequent turnover of detectives on her granddaughter's
case. "In five years, we had six detectives. I would call each new detective, they would act surprised that they had the case."
Muriel also says she could feel a coolness over the telephone whenever a new detective
reviewed Noelle's case. "I knew they were thinking, 'what do you think when she worked at that kind of job?"

But there was more to Noelle than what appears in the police
report. "She wasn't the easiest person to get along with," Muriel says. "I'm sure she did her share of drugs and her share
of drinking. She was a free spirit...very independent. Every family has someone who is completely different from everybody,
that was Noelle."Muriel says Noelle's
motel door locks were broken the night she was murdered, and she believes the motive was robbery. The autopsy revealed no
drugs, liquor, and she wasn't sexually assaulted. And she believes the police have overlooked some important, but missing,
evidence. "The week before she came over to my house for dinner, and she was dressed very nicely in a new
ruffled blouse, new pants, and new shoes," says Muriel. "The odd thing is that when they (police) gave us a cardboard box
with all of her stuff, including jewelry she had purchased from her sister, Nicole, and more jewelry that her father had given
to her, none of the new clothes were in the box. I think it's possible that a woman was involved; a man wouldn't be interested
in those things." When Muriel asked to review the evidence that SAPD investigators retained in the case,
there was no jewelry or new clothes. Muriel has coped with her sorrow over the untimely deaths of her son-in-law
and her granddaughter by joining the San Antonio Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children, where after six years as a member,
she now serves as the chapter's secretary. She also underwent training as a group counselor for the monthly gatherings of
the support group. Even as she disapproved on Noelle's occupation as an exotic dancer, she says she did not
deserve to die. "She was full of joy. Her name was a reminder of the holidays." Meanwhile, Detective Arevalos
remains determined to keep plowing through the pile of the cold homicide cases in San Antonio and Bexar County. "We're not
going to sit on our hands. Anybody walking on the streets, who has committed a murder, might get a knock on their door. We're
going to put these guys in jail."
By Michael Cary
San Antonio Current 2005

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and
her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and
pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which was 13 days
before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days that she was
missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigations
Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.usCase#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or
Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn
son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to
do so for them.
Page & Graphics Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory
Of Our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia Arial Bold Italic Font