In Loving Memory Of Our Angels
Emily Garcia
& Her Unborn Son Emilio
Below you will find the articles that were written about Emily Garcia & her unborn son Emilio's murder on February
25, 1993 in San Antonio, Texas. There have been several others written since we started investigating the murder ourselves,
which you will find on other pages of this site, but this is all that was written at the time.
The above article is from the Herald-Zeitung
Newspaper on the murder of Emily Jeanette Garcia-February 25, 1993. This is what it says:

Pregnant Woman Found Dead
By: Gary P. Carroll
and Greg Mefford
Herald Zeitung
CANYON LAKE--Comal County law enforcement officers are trying to determine
the identity of a pregnant woman whose nude body was found here Thursday.
The dark-haired woman, estimated to be approximately
19 to 25 years of age, was discovered at about 11:05 a.m. on north Cranes Mill Road, according to Detective Sgt. David
Ott of the Comal County Sheriff's Office.
A county road crew dumping brush in the area found the body "laying up
about 50 or 75 feet from the roadway",
Ott said.
The woman was tied up and a rope was found around her neck, Ott said.
The body was transported by Zoeller's Funeral Home to the Travis County
Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy.
Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Howard "Curly" Smith said Friday the autopsy
report revealed the cause of death as strangulation, but that the woman was tied up after her death.
Smith also said the autopsy revealed that the woman was three months pregnant.
Officials aren't certain how long the body had been at the site because
of recent rains, but Chief Deputy Elwood Hoherz said investigators don't believe the homicide occurred at the scene. "It
looked like overnight, but it probably had been within 48 hours," Ott said.
Ott said officials had no suspects in the case Thursday afternoon.
"At this point, we are still looking for the identity," Ott said.
Hoherz said officials were alerting other law enforcement departments of
the details of the case.
"We've got an all-points teletype out to all departments to see if they've
got a missing person. And we're taking fingerprints to see if she's been handled before," Hoherz said.
A special request will be made to the FBI for assistance in speeding up
the identification process, Hoherz said.
"We don't have a lot to go on," Hoherz said.

The above article was from the Canyon Lake
Times Guardian newspaper on Emily Garcia's Murder in 1993. This is what it says:

Canyon Lake
Times Guardian
Detectives Seek Lead To Identify Body
Found On Cranes Mill
Robert Stewart
Managing Editor
Wednesday, March 3, 1993
Investigators of the Comal County Sheriff's Office are looking for leads
regarding the identity of a girl whose dead body was found nake Thursday on Cranes Mill Road, north, approximately 1 mile
north of Farm to Market Road # 386, according to Chief Deputy Elwood Hoherz.
The body was found at 11:00 a.m. Thursday by a Comal County Road Department
crew dumping brush at the location for future burial. The site is regularly used by the Road Department.
An autopsy ordered by Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Howard "Curly"
Smith was performed in Austin by the Travis County Medical Examiner Dr. Robert Byardo.
The autopsy revealed that the girl, originally believed to be about 25
years old, may be as young as 15 and that the cause of death was strangulation. She was three months pregnant at the time
of her death, Smith said.
When discovered, the victims hands and feet were bound with 1/2 inch sash
chord which was also around her neck, Smith said, meaning that she was apparantly bound after her death.
A dark bruise was visible on the girl's throat and scratches were found
on her cheek and chin. She had dark brown hair and what appeared to be a small tattoo, possibly of the numeral "4" in the
webbing of her left hand. The autopsy also revealed that she had been sexually assaulted, Smith said.
Smith estimated that the victim may have only been dead for eight hours
when the body was discovered lying face-up under trees just a few feet from the roadway.
Evidence at the scene was minimal because of heavy rains, officials said.
Hoherz said that law enforcement agencies throughout the state had been
notified by teletype to see if they have any missing persons. Fingerprint records have also been distributed.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to arrests
and grand jury indictments in felony cases. Call 800-648-3422 or 210-620-TIPS.

The above article was from a local San Antonio newspaper
on Emily Garcia's Murder in 1993. This is what it says:
Nude Body Of A Woman Found By Road Crew
By Fischer
The nude body of a young woman was discovered Thursday morning in Northern Comal County by a road
crew. Foul play is suspected.
Tracks indicate a vehicle backed up and dropped her off, but we had a heavy rain this morning so
we don't have a lot to go on, "said Elwood Hohertz, chief deputy of the Comal County Sheriff's Department.
He said the body was found along Cranes Mill Road.
Hohertz said the woman was Anglo, slightly under 5 feet tall, and appeared to be between 18 and
22 years of age.
The aboue article was written a year
after Emily Garcia's murder when her mother's friend got in touch with Sheila and told her that they had ran a local
News Stoy on TV, showing a tattoo and other things. She thought Sheila should check it out....and she was correct...It was
Emily. This is what it says:

Officials Identify Girl's Body With Help From News
By Jennifer Rompel
Staff Writer
Comal County Sheriff's deputies have identified the body of a girl found on North Cranes Mill Road
more than one year ago.
The girl was identified as Emily Jeanette Garcia, 15, of San Antonio.
Reports show her body was found by Comal County road crews on February 25, 1993. She had been sexually
assaulted and strangled, according to past reports.
The girl was identified after a newscast was aired on San Antonio television station KSAT Channel
12. The report was broadcast on the anniversary date of the discovery of the Garcia's body.
According to CCSO officials, the girl's mother was living out of state and had recently returned
to San Antonio. A friend of Garcia's mother saw the newscast and told her to call the Comal County Sheriff's Office.
Chief Deputy Elwood Hohertz, of the Comal County Sheriff's Office, said the mother had been looking
for her daughter for more than a year. Garcia was positively identified because she had been fingerprinted as a child.
"We were able to use those to make a positive identification", said Hohertz.
Deputies are now conducting further investigation into the murder. Several leads have been provided,
but no arrest is expected soon, according to Hohertz.
"We think it may be gang related. We have several names to proceed on", he said.
Garcia was three to four months pregnant when she was found. Her mother said she had left home in
January 1993, according to Hohertz.

We need your help in finding who murdered
Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at
the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February
12, 1993, which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about
the 13 days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's
Office Criminal Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward
Phone # 830-620-3400
Case# 93-00164
Or Emily's Family
Sheila Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mother) Phone
# 210-677-9948
Elizabeth Garcia(Emily's Sister) Phone #
Jake Garcia(Emily's Nephew) Phone
# 210-303-6379
Please help us find who murdered Emily
Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and
The dead cannot cry out for justice;
it is a duty of the living to do so for them.
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With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of Our Angels Emily & Emilio Garcia EdwardianScript ITC Bold Font
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