In Memory Of Our Angels
Emily & Emilio Garcia
Emily & Emilio Garcia Featured On Angel Fire
Treasured Thoughts Memorial Wall
In Loving Memory Of Emily Garcia & Her Unborn Son Emilio Emily
Garcia & Her Unborn Son Emilio July 27, 1977 February 25, 1993
This is in memory of my beautiful niece Emily Jeanette
Garcia who was abducted, raped, and murdered in Texas in 1993. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and pregnant
with a little boy that she intended to name Emilio. It has been nearly 14 years now since Emily was taken from our lives and
there isn't a day that goes by that she isn't thought of and missed. We still search daily to try to find the person/persons
responsible for taking her from us and we know that even if we never know on this earth who did this, they will pay their
price one day. We miss you terribly Emily and know that one day we will all be together again. All My Love, Aunt Theresa

Click on the photo above of Emily & Emilio and it will take you to the
site where this story is located.
We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette
Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her
murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which
was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days
that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact: Comal County Sheriff's Office Criminal
Investigations Dept. Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward soatgw@co.comal.tx.usCase#93-00164 Phone # 830-620-3400 Or Sgt. Trampas Gooding Texas Rangers, Co. "F" Seguin, TX Trampas.Gooding@dps.texas.gov (830)379-4210 Office
Or Emily's Family
Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn
son Emilio. It has been 19 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do
so for them.
Page Created With Much Love By Theresa In Memory Of Our Angels
Emily & Emilio Garcia Adorable Bold Font Color#666666
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