Here you will find a list of all the pages that make up Emily & Emilio Garcia's
Memorial Site. You will be able to follow Emily's life from birth, till at the age of 15, she was abducted, raped, and
murdered. Emily was pregnant with a little boy at the time of her murder, which she intended to name Emilio. You
will see how Emily's family has gone for 19 years with no justice for Emily and her unborn son Emilio and also with having
to deal with knowing that this monster is still on our streets where he will do it again to someone else. I
hope you will take the time to read all about Emily & Emilio and if you would, please sign their guest
book before you leave to let us know that our angels are remembered.
Thank You,
Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)
Sheila Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mother)